making t-shirt quilts since 2008
making t-shirt quilts since 2008
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US Services

US Services

The possibilities are endless. A previous client commemorated her husband's years of service into a quilt. This was one of my favorites.

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Stepping Out Of The Box

Stepping Out Of The Box

Not t-shirts....Crown Royal bags! These are the little bags that Crown Royal package the bottles with. If you are a fan, then you might have too many to even know what to do with. One client sent me about 70 bags. They were made into a quilt that was given to a friend on his wedding day. What a great gift!!!

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Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson

Although I've made several Harley Davidson quilts, I'm surprised it is not the biggest seller. Apparently all the bikers are still holding on to their tees. I've toured the Harley Davidson world vicariously through tees. I've travelled from the most northern in Alaska to the most southern in Florida. I even flew over seas to Hawaii, Thailand, Japan, Germany.... All I have to do is convince these bikers to have their tees made into quilts!

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Businesses Need Quilts Too!

Businesses Need Quilts Too!

Hasbro Toy Company sent me their tees from all around the world. A Mini Cooper themed quilt was made for a dealership in Detroit. The Container Store may have been one of the first brand I've made. Google theme, may have been an employee of the company, a small lap size was made for the client. My only regret on this is that I don't have better pictures due to horrible lighting.

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Sport Themed Quilts

Sport Themed Quilts

This is the most common themed quilt. The most unusual sport quilt I've made is the Equestrian. The most difficult is the cheer uniforms. They are stiff and oddly shaped that cutting into a square is almost impossible. I had to get creative with it.

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