making t-shirt quilts since 2008
making t-shirt quilts since 2008
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Concert Quilt

Concert Quilt

In the 8 years that I have been making t-shirt quilts, I've come across many different concert tees. Concerts dating back from my younger days, to the more current ones (that I'm not familiar with). I love sharing these memories with my kids. When I tell them how I remembered that particular concert, they always frown and respond with "I don't even know who they are!!" "The Dave Mathews Band" concert quilt was a favorite of mine. This client had enough tees to make a king sized quilt. That's a lot of concerts!!

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Baby Quilts

Baby Quilts

Your first born is always the most exciting. You're overwhelmed with the fact that you are responsible for another person in your life. Endless gifts of newborn clothes are bulging out of the nursery. The fact is, that baby outgrows it before they even get a chance to wear it twice! I have three children myself and regret giving it all away. The baby quilts are great gifts to the next baby in the family, whether it's yours or your grandchild's.

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